Navigating Hybrid Work
Hybrid working requires leaders to build virtual empathy and foster strong team collaboration with clear, purposeful meetings. Adapting to this new reality with flexibility and intention is crucial for success. How are you preparing your team for the hybrid work environment?

The business world was already changing pre-pandemic, with digital working growing by 159 per cent since 2005. Then came coronavirus (COVID-19) and many years of digital transformation, progression and lessons were condensed into one. The pandemic has changed our world, and some changes will stay long term. It is important that we stay intentional about how we utilise the positives and limit the negatives of hybrid working.
Covid meant that virtually overnight companies have had to adapt to a new and often unfamiliar way of working, and they have done so, with meetings migrating online, teams working together in a virtual space and many other aspects of business changing too. There’s a sense that we have all become more efficient as we cram multiple meetings into an even longer working day. But is this an illusion of efficiency?
Team meetings are central to much informed decision-making. But even pre-pandemic there was a concern that for many people, meetings were often pointless, a waste of time, and to be avoided at all costs. Doodle has analysed the meetings that took place using its scheduling tools over the last few years, and found that – of the 19 million meetings held across the US, Germany, Switzerland and the UK in 2019 – two thirds were considered pointless by those involved, costing a staggering $541bn.
The future remains unpredictable, but most companies are considering a hybrid of physical and virtual working, tapping into the benefits of technology, and offering more flexibility for leaders and employees alike. This impacts not only on meetings but on the central role of teamwork and collaboration.
So, in this new hybrid world of flexi-working, with a mix of face-to-face and virtual meetings, what do business leaders need to consider in terms of their role going forwards? How will they adapt?
I believe leaders have a crucial role to play in the success of cultures adapting a hybrid working system.
Increase Virtual Empathy
Never before have leaders needed to be so adaptable and flexible. The ability to empathise and to build and manage relationships in the real world can be hard enough. But in the virtual world, when so many of the cues we need to read are limited by a Zoom screen, it’s that much harder.
Empathising virtually will be one of the biggest challenges. We can’t read body language as easily, we can’t demonstrate that we are looking directly at someone and actively listening, and we can’t easily tell when someone else has disengaged or is distracted by something in their own surroundings. Not to mention the fact that individuals are working from home and may be bringing conversations or feelings from home to work meetings, which wouldn’t normally happen if working from an office.
Digital transformation also makes room for more unintentional biases to creep in. Leaders therefore need to work even harder to allow individuals to disagree without being disagreeable, to ensure that the extroverts don’t loom large over the introverts, and to create a safe space for the best ideas to shine rather than those that are simply well-articulated or promoted most loudly. Some of the best ideas may come from those who feel more comfortable to stay on mute. Although there is responsibility on the individual to be bold and speak up, there is still a responsibility on leadership to hear from everyone and to speak last. Empathetic leadership can be felt through a computer screen.
Increase virtual collaboration.
Efficient businesses rely on strong teamwork, but the pandemic and this new hybrid world have forced us to build virtual teams. New staff have often had to build exclusively online relationships as they get their feet under a virtual table. There are still many unknowns and many feel like they have not yet formed true relationships with their peers.
Companies are all creating their own new normal, some allowing more flexibility than others. Leaders will need to think how best to protect long-term relationships with their employees, motivating and supporting without the intangible benefits of physical proximity: the chats at the water fountain, the impromptu catchups, the social drink after work. Thanks to the hard work of many talented individuals there is space again to meet in person, but as you may have experienced this takes intentional effort and energy to create these spaces for colleagues to bond and for teams to work cohesively.
There are software’s and platforms for teams to work efficiently and effectively online. But nothing will replace being in the same room. As I have mentioned before, hybrid working is about utilising the positives and limiting the negatives
It will be necessary for all leaders to rethink how teamwork can adapt within their own business, thus creating a new version of teamwork and replacing the pointless with the positive.
Attention is limited and time is scarce
As we moved from in person workshops and coaching sessions to online during the pandemic, we noticed that attention on screen is limited, and shorter but more powerful interactions online were proving to be extremely effective.
This brought attention to the way we structured meetings, workshops, or coaching sessions. Meetings, whether physical or virtual, need structure to ensure they don’t become a waste of everyone’s time. This becomes even more important in the hybrid world. Attention dissipates quickly on-screen.
Before a meeting is even organised, consideration must be given to its purpose, who needs to be involved, if leaders have the skills required, and whether there is a better way to approach it.
Participants must prepare and come ready to contribute. The agenda must be short and specific and, in some cases, can be very beneficial to share beforehand so all participants in the interaction can bring value-add, The purpose of the meeting must be clearly defined, and must have an end goal so that all involved leave feeling that it has been successful.
We face a constantly changing future, so adaptability and flexibility must be in the vocabulary of any future leader. Meetings and teamwork are central to business success; investing in getting them right in this new hybrid world will be the biggest challenge with the greatest rewards.
We’re in this together, whether physically or virtually, and we must plan to be future ready, for everyone’s benefit.
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