​The preposition 'with' is used to answer the question; 'how do you lead?'
Do you want to lead with ambiguity or with purpose; with manipulation or with honesty; ; with neglect or with empathy?
We're convinced few managers intend to act with ambiguity, manipulation, nor neglect, yet many have that effect. Ironically, over time, it negatively impacts the bottom-line that they are so often desperately focused on.​

​Our mission is to facilitate purpose-full learning experiences for leaders who want to accelerate the development of socially sustainable teams and businesses, because leadership is not a management position, but a set of behaviours.
At our core we believe that leadership is best done with others, rather than to others.​
​So, would you like to build deep, sustainable strength in purpose-full leadership?
Our coaching, training, and facilitation builds capability, confidence, and character now, as well as in the future. Learn how we support people like you excel.
...with... results
...with... collaboration
Some of the progressive organisations we have had the privilege of working with

...with... values
Our core values underpin everything that we do; our clients experience us behaving in this way.
Our founder, Simon Fagg, shares why the values we work by are so important to us as a team.
If we fall short, please let us know.
Follow us on LinkedIn or Instagram for the latest news and leadership insight.
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61 Station Road, Sudbury,
United Kingdom, CO10 2SP
+44 7804 9111 33